Student Auto-Generated Username and Password

When a student account is created, the system will generate a "Username" and "Password" from the personal information entered.

The Username is created by combining the following characters...

=> First (3) three characters of the high school name (lower case)
=> First (1) one letter of the first name (lower case)
=> First (3) three letters of the last name (lower case)
=> And (2) two digit birthday - (01, 02, 03, …31; i.e. - birthday July 9th - use 09)

Example: For Central High School student Barry Jones, born on July 9th...

Auto Generated Username

The Password is created by combining the following characters...
=> First (3) three characters of the high school name (lower case)
=> Last (6) six digits of the student ID number

Example: For Barry Jones from Central HS with a student ID 215610121

Auto Generated Password

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Explanation - Student Username & Password

Specification for Auto-Generation

The login system uses an automated method to simplify the procedure, making it easier to recall your login Username and Password.

The system generates the Username and Password from the personal information you entered when you created your website student account.

Your unique Username is a combination of lower case letters and numbers. There will normally be 7 letters, followed by two numbers.

In rare cases there will be a lower case letter added to the end of the Username, such as an "a","b", or "c". This will occur only when an existing student has already been assigned an auto-generated Username that your new Username would duplicate.

The Username is created by combining the following characters...
=> First 3 characters of the high school name (lower case, and may include a space or period)
=> First letter of the first name (lower case)
=> First 3 characters of the last name (lower case, and may include space or single quote)
=> Birth day - 2 digits (01, 02, 03, … 31) ; example - birthday July 9th - use 09

EXAMPLE: For Central High School student Barry Jones, born on July 9th...

The Username will be "cenbjon09"

If there was student at Centerville High School, named Brenda Jonecka, whose birthday is April 9th, her resulting auto-generated Username will also be "cenbjon09".

To avoid duplication, a letter suffix will be automatically appended to the new Username to make it unique. For example: "cenbjon09a". If that username had already been assigned, then the new Username will be "cenbjon09b".

Students whose last name is less than three (3) characters will result in a shortened Username.
Example: student Barry Wu - results in username "cenbwu09"

Students whose last name includes a "non-alpha" in the first three (3) characters will result in
a Username that includes that character. Example: student Barry O'Dell => "cenbo'd09"

Students whose last name includes a 'space' within the first (3) characters will result in
a Username that includes a 'space'. Example: student Barry Mc Donald => "cenbmc 09"

The Password is created in a similar manner...
=> First 3 letters of the high school name (lower case)
=> Last 6 digits of your student ID number

EXAMPLE: Barry Jones from Central HS with a student ID 215610121

The Password will be "cen610121"

If the high school name contains a 'space' or 'non-alpha' character in the first (3) three 'characters',
it will be included in the password; i.e.- El Dorado H. S. => "el 610121"

Still need help...?

If you are unable to log into the system, or you are unable to determine your Username or Password from the "specification" above, you should...
1.) Seek assistance from your teacher, or
2.) Contact your school counselor for help

Please Note: A student Username or Password will not be communicated to anyone via the telephone, email, or other system.

The Auto-Generation system has been implemented to ensure the security of your confidential information while providing a simplified means to manage your login access in the years to come.

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